Tree seeds came out of their soak today! They’ve been placed into gallon ziplock bags with wet sphagnum moss and put on the top shelf of the fridge. Hope the wife doesn’t look in the garage fridge!

Went to Academy and Dicks today looking for a pair of coveralls and gloves for fishing. I ended up buying decoy weights and line! Well I needed them anyways for the Storm Front decoys the wife gave me. No coveralls though at either places! I guess I need to find a non camo pair so I won’t be tempted to classify them as Deer Only and not use them for fishing. Time to carouse the Internet. I looked at an XXL pair thinking I could layer well under them. Holy cow no! They’d swallow me hole and then some!

Ended up finding a pair of gauntlet gloves at TSC. They’re warm but I can hardly do anything in them! I couldn’t even unlock the door with them on!