Remember the old Burger King commercial with the little old ladies? “Where’s the beef?!”

That was us today duck hunting.

Got to Matt’s this morning, he jumped in the truck and we rolled out at 5am. Met up with the guy going with us and hit the WMA we were hunting. As we’re walking in Matt’s new headlamp lit the woods like the sun coming up. Definitely need to get one of those! Good find bubba.

As we’re walking in the rain stops and the wind slacks off. It’s going to be perfect! Passing pools of water standing in the fields and were thinking “yeah, the holes going to be up, ducks come off the river and suck right in.”

HA! We got there, the whole time telling the new guy how great its going to be, only to find its 2 inches deep and barely the size of my living room! WHERE DID THE WATER GO! We can’t figure it out. I mean there was more water in a bottle than there was in the hole. The decoys were shoved, yes shoved into the mud, the spinner decoy set and the mojo went to spinning its wings. We sat on the edge of the mud puddle and threw burlap over our legs.

Dawn broke and we realized what looked like 15 yards to the water was 8 ft, so we slid back to the tree line and sat under some trees. At this point, I apparently fell asleep or attest started nodding off.

By 8am we’d had enough and wanted to show the new guy some places to hunt by himself on the WMA without a boat. Off through the woods we go with Matt in the lead. Now mind you, Matt can trail blood. A drop here, 50 ft and a drop so on. However, he has ZERO sense of direction. We went through the woods, ended up back at the mud hole and I took over leading. Finally made it through the woods he brush to the river to find its very, very shallow. Going back to the mud hole, Matt again led the way. We went through some of the greenest, thickest, nastiest, briarest stuff I’ve been through in quite awhile.

Made it back, picked the stuff up and headed to show him another spot on the river. Sounds like he’s going to go hunt there in the morning. Good luck to him. I think I’m going fishing after church instead.

Oh yeah, did I mention it was 54*F and I was wearing Under Armour cold gear and neoprene waders with1600 gram the boots?

When I pulled my waders off you’d have thought I’d sprung a leak!

No ducks seen, no shots taken, but still a very beautiful morning to see gods creation come to life for another day.
