Farm, 2 man ladder, .308
330 pm – dark.
Set and waiting. Can shoot until 515 tonight. The last card pull shows deer moving more in the afternoon around 3ish. Hopefully I didn’t mess anything up coming in when I did. Trying out the new Muck Woody Elites the wife gave me for Christmas. It’s 50* so a might warm for them as they’re rated to 40, but with Elites, liners and heat gear socks I’m doing pretty good. Carried in my new action camera I purchased off Denver Craigslist. Videoed some walking in. I’m still trying to find a mount that will work on the stand as right now I have to hold it. I won’t be able to get a shot of taking a shot but oh we’ll. someone a farm or two over is tearing it up on a 4 wheeler. 840 sounds like its right below me with the leaves all off the trees. Hoping I see something more than the little buck I’ve let walk several times. A nice big bodied doe would be great! Well nothing tonight. Tomorrow morning will be my last hunt for the season.