Well we made it back from Colorado, finally. We left Denver at 10:00am Monday morning with plans to drive through and just come home. Visiting family is always nice, especially since they live so far away, but sometimes you just want to sleep in your own bed.

Lets recap the trip…..

Left off after the Walk in Co post: the next day we went to Estes Park and into Rocky Mountain National Park. B-E-Autiful! Aside from the high altitude literally taking my breath away, it was otherwise breathtaking! We saw several black tailed deer and were 30 feet from two young bull elk walking through the park. Went to Bear Lake and walked across the frozen water. Slipped and slid up the road to the farthest point you could make it to before the roads closed. Came back down to Estes Park and walked around. It reminded me of a small Gatlinburg really. Woke up the next morning to two inches of snow. I almost freaked out!

Geese! Oh goodness the geese. Everywhere, hundreds, thousands. They would literally land in the median of the interstate. All in all we probably saw well over 2000 – 2500 geese. Colorado and Kansas were covered in Canadians. Hardly saw any ducks, but the geese were thick as flies!

Back to driving home.

We stopped at Cabelas in Kansas City and it was amazing. Ended up purchasing an inflatable life vest that I’ve been wanting. As much as I was in the boat this year, hopefully it will get me to wear it! Mine was always stuffed off in a compartment. Not going to do me much good there now is it? This Cabelas had not only an aquarium with HUGE catfish, but a full Mule Deer “Museum” of the largest collection of Muleys I’ve ever seen. It was extremely impressive.

Made it to St. Louis around 12:30-1:00am and decided it was time to stop for the night. Found a cheap hotel (note to future self, spring for a little better hotels from now on) and crashed for the night. Got up this morning and drove home, finally.



